* JS初始化库
* @作者 qinggan
* @版权 深圳市锟铻科技有限公司
* @网站 http://www.phpok.com
* @版本 4.x
* @授权 http://www.phpok.com/lgpl.html PHPOK开源授权协议:GNU Lesser General Public License
* @日期 2017年12月01日
* 常规基础变量,也是系统用到的变量
var basefile = "index.php";
var ctrl_id = "c";
var func_id = "f";
var webroot = "/";
var apifile = "api.php";
var wwwfile = "index.php";
var phpok_site_id = "1";
var site_id = "1";
var lang_code = "cn";
var session_name = 'PHPSESSION';
var session_id = 'bbfe5510625683c5a0590e60aaf1d4bc';
var biz_status = '0';
* 常规基础变量结束
* 加载语言包
var lang = new Array();
* 结束语言包
* 开始加载Jquery,注意,系统会尝式智能检测加载的jquery版本
;/*! jQuery v3.5.0 | (c) JS Foundation and other contributors | jquery.org/license */ ! function(e, t) { "use strict"; "object" == typeof module && "object" == typeof module.exports ? module.exports = e.document ? t(e, !0) : function(e) { if (!e.document) throw new Error("jQuery requires a window with a document"); return t(e) } : t(e) }("undefined" != typeof window ? window : this, function(C, e) { "use strict"; var t = [],
r = Object.getPrototypeOf,
s = t.slice,
g = t.flat ? function(e) { return t.flat.call(e) } : function(e) { return t.concat.apply([], e) },
u = t.push,
i = t.indexOf,
n = {},
o = n.toString,
v = n.hasOwnProperty,
a = v.toString,
l = a.call(Object),
y = {},
m = function(e) { return "function" == typeof e && "number" != typeof e.nodeType },
x = function(e) { return null != e && e === e.window },
E = C.document,
c = { type: !0, src: !0, nonce: !0, noModule: !0 };
function b(e, t, n) { var r, i, o = (n = n || E).createElement("script"); if (o.text = e, t)
for (r in c)(i = t[r] || t.getAttribute && t.getAttribute(r)) && o.setAttribute(r, i);
n.head.appendChild(o).parentNode.removeChild(o) }
function w(e) { return null == e ? e + "" : "object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e ? n[o.call(e)] || "object" : typeof e } var f = "3.5.0",
S = function(e, t) { return new S.fn.init(e, t) };
function p(e) { var t = !!e && "length" in e && e.length,
n = w(e); return !m(e) && !x(e) && ("array" === n || 0 === t || "number" == typeof t && 0 < t && t - 1 in e) }
S.fn = S.prototype = { jquery: f, constructor: S, length: 0, toArray: function() { return s.call(this) }, get: function(e) { return null == e ? s.call(this) : e < 0 ? this[e + this.length] : this[e] }, pushStack: function(e) { var t = S.merge(this.constructor(), e); return t.prevObject = this, t }, each: function(e) { return S.each(this, e) }, map: function(n) { return this.pushStack(S.map(this, function(e, t) { return n.call(e, t, e) })) }, slice: function() { return this.pushStack(s.apply(this, arguments)) }, first: function() { return this.eq(0) }, last: function() { return this.eq(-1) }, even: function() { return this.pushStack(S.grep(this, function(e, t) { return (t + 1) % 2 })) }, odd: function() { return this.pushStack(S.grep(this, function(e, t) { return t % 2 })) }, eq: function(e) { var t = this.length,
n = +e + (e < 0 ? t : 0); return this.pushStack(0 <= n && n < t ? [this[n]] : []) }, end: function() { return this.prevObject || this.constructor() }, push: u, sort: t.sort, splice: t.splice }, S.extend = S.fn.extend = function() { var e, t, n, r, i, o, a = arguments[0] || {},
s = 1,
u = arguments.length,
l = !1; for ("boolean" == typeof a && (l = a, a = arguments[s] || {}, s++), "object" == typeof a || m(a) || (a = {}), s === u && (a = this, s--); s < u; s++)
if (null != (e = arguments[s]))
for (t in e) r = e[t], "__proto__" !== t && a !== r && (l && r && (S.isPlainObject(r) || (i = Array.isArray(r))) ? (n = a[t], o = i && !Array.isArray(n) ? [] : i || S.isPlainObject(n) ? n : {}, i = !1, a[t] = S.extend(l, o, r)) : void 0 !== r && (a[t] = r));
return a }, S.extend({ expando: "jQuery" + (f + Math.random()).replace(/\D/g, ""), isReady: !0, error: function(e) { throw new Error(e) }, noop: function() {}, isPlainObject: function(e) { var t, n; return !(!e || "[object Object]" !== o.call(e)) && (!(t = r(e)) || "function" == typeof(n = v.call(t, "constructor") && t.constructor) && a.call(n) === l) }, isEmptyObject: function(e) { var t; for (t in e) return !1; return !0 }, globalevals: function(e, t, n) { b(e, { nonce: t && t.nonce }, n) }, each: function(e, t) { var n, r = 0; if (p(e)) { for (n = e.length; r < n; r++)
if (!1 === t.call(e[r], r, e[r])) break } else
for (r in e)
if (!1 === t.call(e[r], r, e[r])) break; return e }, makeArray: function(e, t) { var n = t || []; return null != e && (p(Object(e)) ? S.merge(n, "string" == typeof e ? [e] : e) : u.call(n, e)), n }, inArray: function(e, t, n) { return null == t ? -1 : i.call(t, e, n) }, merge: function(e, t) { for (var n = +t.length, r = 0, i = e.length; r < n; r++) e[i++] = t[r]; return e.length = i, e }, grep: function(e, t, n) { for (var r = [], i = 0, o = e.length, a = !n; i < o; i++) !t(e[i], i) !== a && r.push(e[i]); return r }, map: function(e, t, n) { var r, i, o = 0,
a = []; if (p(e))
for (r = e.length; o < r; o++) null != (i = t(e[o], o, n)) && a.push(i);
for (o in e) null != (i = t(e[o], o, n)) && a.push(i); return g(a) }, guid: 1, support: y }), "function" == typeof Symbol && (S.fn[Symbol.iterator] = t[Symbol.iterator]), S.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error Symbol".split(" "), function(e, t) { n["[object " + t + "]"] = t.toLowerCase() }); var d = function(n) { var e, d, b, o, i, h, f, g, w, u, l, T, C, a, E, v, s, c, y, S = "sizzle" + 1 * new Date,
p = n.document,
k = 0,
r = 0,
m = ue(),
x = ue(),
A = ue(),
N = ue(),
D = function(e, t) { return e === t && (l = !0), 0 },
j = {}.hasOwnProperty,
t = [],
q = t.pop,
L = t.push,
H = t.push,
O = t.slice,
P = function(e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++)
if (e[n] === t) return n;
return -1 },
R = "checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped",
M = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",
I = "(?:\\\\[\\da-fA-F]{1,6}" + M + "?|\\\\[^\\r\\n\\f]|[\\w-]|[^\0-\\x7f])+",
W = "\\[" + M + "*(" + I + ")(?:" + M + "*([*^$|!~]?=)" + M + "*(?:'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\"|(" + I + "))|)" + M + "*\\]",
F = ":(" + I + ")(?:\\((('((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\")|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" + W + ")*)|.*)\\)|)",
B = new RegExp(M + "+", "g"),
$ = new RegExp("^" + M + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + M + "+$", "g"),
_ = new RegExp("^" + M + "*," + M + "*"),
z = new RegExp("^" + M + "*([>+~]|" + M + ")" + M + "*"),
U = new RegExp(M + "|>"),
X = new RegExp(F),
V = new RegExp("^" + I + "$"),
G = { ID: new RegExp("^#(" + I + ")"), CLASS: new RegExp("^\\.(" + I + ")"), TAG: new RegExp("^(" + I + "|[*])"), ATTR: new RegExp("^" + W), PSEUDO: new RegExp("^" + F), CHILD: new RegExp("^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + M + "*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + M + "*(?:([+-]|)" + M + "*(\\d+)|))" + M + "*\\)|)", "i"), bool: new RegExp("^(?:" + R + ")$", "i"), needsContext: new RegExp("^" + M + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" + M + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + M + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", "i") },
Y = /HTML$/i,
Q = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,
J = /^h\d$/i,
K = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,
Z = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/,
ee = /[+~]/,
te = new RegExp("\\\\[\\da-fA-F]{1,6}" + M + "?|\\\\([^\\r\\n\\f])", "g"),
ne = function(e, t) { var n = "0x" + e.slice(1) - 65536; return t || (n < 0 ? String.fromCharCode(n + 65536) : String.fromCharCode(n >> 10 | 55296, 1023 & n | 56320)) },
re = /([\0-\x1f\x7f]|^-?\d)|^-$|[^\0-\x1f\x7f-\uFFFF\w-]/g,
ie = function(e, t) { return t ? "\0" === e ? "\ufffd" : e.slice(0, -1) + "\\" + e.charCodeAt(e.length - 1).toString(16) + " " : "\\" + e },
oe = function() { T() },
ae = be(function(e) { return !0 === e.disabled && "fieldset" === e.nodeName.toLowerCase() }, { dir: "parentNode", next: "legend" }); try { H.apply(t = O.call(p.childNodes), p.childNodes), t[p.childNodes.length].nodeType } catch (e) { H = { apply: t.length ? function(e, t) { L.apply(e, O.call(t)) } : function(e, t) { var n = e.length,
r = 0; while (e[n++] = t[r++]);
e.length = n - 1 } } }
function se(t, e, n, r) { var i, o, a, s, u, l, c, f = e && e.ownerDocument,
p = e ? e.nodeType : 9; if (n = n || [], "string" != typeof t || !t || 1 !== p && 9 !== p && 11 !== p) return n; if (!r && (T(e), e = e || C, E)) { if (11 !== p && (u = Z.exec(t)))
if (i = u[1]) { if (9 === p) { if (!(a = e.getElementById(i))) return n; if (a.id === i) return n.push(a), n } else if (f && (a = f.getElementById(i)) && y(e, a) && a.id === i) return n.push(a), n } else { if (u[2]) return H.apply(n, e.getElementsByTagName(t)), n; if ((i = u[3]) && d.getElementsByClassName && e.getElementsByClassName) return H.apply(n, e.getElementsByClassName(i)), n }
if (d.qsa && !N[t + " "] && (!v || !v.test(t)) && (1 !== p || "object" !== e.nodeName.toLowerCase())) { if (c = t, f = e, 1 === p && (U.test(t) || z.test(t))) {
(f = ee.test(t) && ye(e.parentNode) || e) === e && d.scope || ((s = e.getAttribute("id")) ? s = s.replace(re, ie) : e.setAttribute("id", s = S)), o = (l = h(t)).length; while (o--) l[o] = (s ? "#" + s : ":scope") + " " + xe(l[o]);
c = l.join(",") } try { return H.apply(n, f.querySelectorAll(c)), n } catch (e) { N(t, !0) } finally { s === S && e.removeAttribute("id") } } } return g(t.replace($, "$1"), e, n, r) }
function ue() { var r = []; return function e(t, n) { return r.push(t + " ") > b.cacheLength && delete e[r.shift()], e[t + " "] = n } }
function le(e) { return e[S] = !0, e }
function ce(e) { var t = C.createElement("fieldset"); try { return !!e(t) } catch (e) { return !1 } finally { t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t), t = null } }
function fe(e, t) { var n = e.split("|"),
r = n.length; while (r--) b.attrHandle[n[r]] = t }
function pe(e, t) { var n = t && e,
r = n && 1 === e.nodeType && 1 === t.nodeType && e.sourceIndex - t.sourceIndex; if (r) return r; if (n)
while (n = n.nextSibling)
if (n === t) return -1;
return e ? 1 : -1 }
function de(t) { return function(e) { return "input" === e.nodeName.toLowerCase() && e.type === t } }
function he(n) { return function(e) { var t = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return ("input" === t || "button" === t) && e.type === n } }
function ge(t) { return function(e) { return "form" in e ? e.parentNode && !1 === e.disabled ? "label" in e ? "label" in e.parentNode ? e.parentNode.disabled === t : e.disabled === t : e.isDisabled === t || e.isDisabled !== !t && ae(e) === t : e.disabled === t : "label" in e && e.disabled === t } }
function ve(a) { return le(function(o) { return o = +o, le(function(e, t) { var n, r = a([], e.length, o),
i = r.length; while (i--) e[n = r[i]] && (e[n] = !(t[n] = e[n])) }) }) }
function ye(e) { return e && "undefined" != typeof e.getElementsByTagName && e } for (e in d = se.support = {}, i = se.isXML = function(e) { var t = e.namespaceURI,
n = (e.ownerDocument || e).documentElement; return !Y.test(t || n && n.nodeName || "HTML") }, T = se.setDocument = function(e) { var t, n, r = e ? e.ownerDocument || e : p; return r != C && 9 === r.nodeType && r.documentElement && (a = (C = r).documentElement, E = !i(C), p != C && (n = C.defaultView) && n.top !== n && (n.addEventListener ? n.addEventListener("unload", oe, !1) : n.attachEvent && n.attachEvent("onunload", oe)), d.scope = ce(function(e) { return a.appendChild(e).appendChild(C.createElement("div")), "undefined" != typeof e.querySelectorAll && !e.querySelectorAll(":scope fieldset div").length }), d.attributes = ce(function(e) { return e.className = "i", !e.getAttribute("className") }), d.getElementsByTagName = ce(function(e) { return e.appendChild(C.createComment("")), !e.getElementsByTagName("*").length }), d.getElementsByClassName = K.test(C.getElementsByClassName), d.getById = ce(function(e) { return a.appendChild(e).id = S, !C.getElementsByName || !C.getElementsByName(S).length }), d.getById ? (b.filter.ID = function(e) { var t = e.replace(te, ne); return function(e) { return e.getAttribute("id") === t } }, b.find.ID = function(e, t) { if ("undefined" != typeof t.getElementById && E) { var n = t.getElementById(e); return n ? [n] : [] } }) : (b.filter.ID = function(e) { var n = e.replace(te, ne); return function(e) { var t = "undefined" != typeof e.getAttributeNode && e.getAttributeNode("id"); return t && t.value === n } }, b.find.ID = function(e, t) { if ("undefined" != typeof t.getElementById && E) { var n, r, i, o = t.getElementById(e); if (o) { if ((n = o.getAttributeNode("id")) && n.value === e) return [o];
i = t.getElementsByName(e), r = 0; while (o = i[r++])
if ((n = o.getAttributeNode("id")) && n.value === e) return [o] } return [] } }), b.find.TAG = d.getElementsByTagName ? function(e, t) { return "undefined" != typeof t.getElementsByTagName ? t.getElementsByTagName(e) : d.qsa ? t.querySelectorAll(e) : void 0 } : function(e, t) { var n, r = [],
i = 0,
o = t.getElementsByTagName(e); if ("*" === e) { while (n = o[i++]) 1 === n.nodeType && r.push(n); return r } return o }, b.find.CLASS = d.getElementsByClassName && function(e, t) { if ("undefined" != typeof t.getElementsByClassName && E) return t.getElementsByClassName(e) }, s = [], v = [], (d.qsa = K.test(C.querySelectorAll)) && (ce(function(e) { var t;
a.appendChild(e).innerHTML = "", e.querySelectorAll("[msallowcapture^='']").length && v.push("[*^$]=" + M + "*(?:''|\"\")"), e.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length || v.push("\\[" + M + "*(?:value|" + R + ")"), e.querySelectorAll("[id~=" + S + "-]").length || v.push("~="), (t = C.createElement("input")).setAttribute("name", ""), e.appendChild(t), e.querySelectorAll("[name='']").length || v.push("\\[" + M + "*name" + M + "*=" + M + "*(?:''|\"\")"), e.querySelectorAll(":checked").length || v.push(":checked"), e.querySelectorAll("a#" + S + "+*").length || v.push(".#.+[+~]"), e.querySelectorAll("\\\f"), v.push("[\\r\\n\\f]") }), ce(function(e) { e.innerHTML = ""; var t = C.createElement("input");
t.setAttribute("type", "hidden"), e.appendChild(t).setAttribute("name", "D"), e.querySelectorAll("[name=d]").length && v.push("name" + M + "*[*^$|!~]?="), 2 !== e.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length && v.push(":enabled", ":disabled"), a.appendChild(e).disabled = !0, 2 !== e.querySelectorAll(":disabled").length && v.push(":enabled", ":disabled"), e.querySelectorAll("*,:x"), v.push(",.*:") })), (d.matchesSelector = K.test(c = a.matches || a.webkitMatchesSelector || a.mozMatchesSelector || a.oMatchesSelector || a.msMatchesSelector)) && ce(function(e) { d.disconnectedMatch = c.call(e, "*"), c.call(e, "[s!='']:x"), s.push("!=", F) }), v = v.length && new RegExp(v.join("|")), s = s.length && new RegExp(s.join("|")), t = K.test(a.compareDocumentPosition), y = t || K.test(a.contains) ? function(e, t) { var n = 9 === e.nodeType ? e.documentElement : e,
r = t && t.parentNode; return e === r || !(!r || 1 !== r.nodeType || !(n.contains ? n.contains(r) : e.compareDocumentPosition && 16 & e.compareDocumentPosition(r))) } : function(e, t) { if (t)
while (t = t.parentNode)
if (t === e) return !0;
return !1 }, D = t ? function(e, t) { if (e === t) return l = !0, 0; var n = !e.compareDocumentPosition - !t.compareDocumentPosition; return n || (1 & (n = (e.ownerDocument || e) == (t.ownerDocument || t) ? e.compareDocumentPosition(t) : 1) || !d.sortDetached && t.compareDocumentPosition(e) === n ? e == C || e.ownerDocument == p && y(p, e) ? -1 : t == C || t.ownerDocument == p && y(p, t) ? 1 : u ? P(u, e) - P(u, t) : 0 : 4 & n ? -1 : 1) } : function(e, t) { if (e === t) return l = !0, 0; var n, r = 0,
i = e.parentNode,
o = t.parentNode,
a = [e],
s = [t]; if (!i || !o) return e == C ? -1 : t == C ? 1 : i ? -1 : o ? 1 : u ? P(u, e) - P(u, t) : 0; if (i === o) return pe(e, t);
n = e; while (n = n.parentNode) a.unshift(n);
n = t; while (n = n.parentNode) s.unshift(n); while (a[r] === s[r]) r++; return r ? pe(a[r], s[r]) : a[r] == p ? -1 : s[r] == p ? 1 : 0 }), C }, se.matches = function(e, t) { return se(e, null, null, t) }, se.matchesSelector = function(e, t) { if (T(e), d.matchesSelector && E && !N[t + " "] && (!s || !s.test(t)) && (!v || !v.test(t))) try { var n = c.call(e, t); if (n || d.disconnectedMatch || e.document && 11 !== e.document.nodeType) return n } catch (e) { N(t, !0) }
return 0 < se(t, C, null, [e]).length }, se.contains = function(e, t) { return (e.ownerDocument || e) != C && T(e), y(e, t) }, se.attr = function(e, t) {
(e.ownerDocument || e) != C && T(e); var n = b.attrHandle[t.toLowerCase()],
r = n && j.call(b.attrHandle, t.toLowerCase()) ? n(e, t, !E) : void 0; return void 0 !== r ? r : d.attributes || !E ? e.getAttribute(t) : (r = e.getAttributeNode(t)) && r.specified ? r.value : null }, se.escape = function(e) { return (e + "").replace(re, ie) }, se.error = function(e) { throw new Error("Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + e) }, se.uniqueSort = function(e) { var t, n = [],
r = 0,
i = 0; if (l = !d.detectDuplicates, u = !d.sortStable && e.slice(0), e.sort(D), l) { while (t = e[i++]) t === e[i] && (r = n.push(i)); while (r--) e.splice(n[r], 1) } return u = null, e }, o = se.getText = function(e) { var t, n = "",
r = 0,
i = e.nodeType; if (i) { if (1 === i || 9 === i || 11 === i) { if ("string" == typeof e.textContent) return e.textContent; for (e = e.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling) n += o(e) } else if (3 === i || 4 === i) return e.nodevalsue } else
while (t = e[r++]) n += o(t); return n }, (b = se.selectors = { cacheLength: 50, createPseudo: le, match: G, attrHandle: {}, find: {}, relative: { ">": { dir: "parentNode", first: !0 }, " ": { dir: "parentNode" }, "+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: !0 }, "~": { dir: "previousSibling" } }, preFilter: { ATTR: function(e) { return e[1] = e[1].replace(te, ne), e[3] = (e[3] || e[4] || e[5] || "").replace(te, ne), "~=" === e[2] && (e[3] = " " + e[3] + " "), e.slice(0, 4) }, CHILD: function(e) { return e[1] = e[1].toLowerCase(), "nth" === e[1].slice(0, 3) ? (e[3] || se.error(e[0]), e[4] = +(e[4] ? e[5] + (e[6] || 1) : 2 * ("even" === e[3] || "odd" === e[3])), e[5] = +(e[7] + e[8] || "odd" === e[3])) : e[3] && se.error(e[0]), e }, PSEUDO: function(e) { var t, n = !e[6] && e[2]; return G.CHILD.test(e[0]) ? null : (e[3] ? e[2] = e[4] || e[5] || "" : n && X.test(n) && (t = h(n, !0)) && (t = n.indexOf(")", n.length - t) - n.length) && (e[0] = e[0].slice(0, t), e[2] = n.slice(0, t)), e.slice(0, 3)) } }, filter: { TAG: function(e) { var t = e.replace(te, ne).toLowerCase(); return "*" === e ? function() { return !0 } : function(e) { return e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === t } }, CLASS: function(e) { var t = m[e + " "]; return t || (t = new RegExp("(^|" + M + ")" + e + "(" + M + "|$)")) && m(e, function(e) { return t.test("string" == typeof e.className && e.className || "undefined" != typeof e.getAttribute && e.getAttribute("class") || "") }) }, ATTR: function(n, r, i) { return function(e) { var t = se.attr(e, n); return null == t ? "!=" === r : !r || (t += "", "=" === r ? t === i : "!=" === r ? t !== i : "^=" === r ? i && 0 === t.indexOf(i) : "*=" === r ? i && -1 < t.indexOf(i) : "$=" === r ? i && t.slice(-i.length) === i : "~=" === r ? -1 < (" " + t.replace(B, " ") + " ").indexOf(i) : "|=" === r && (t === i || t.slice(0, i.length + 1) === i + "-")) } }, CHILD: function(h, e, t, g, v) { var y = "nth" !== h.slice(0, 3),
m = "last" !== h.slice(-4),
x = "of-type" === e; return 1 === g && 0 === v ? function(e) { return !!e.parentNode } : function(e, t, n) { var r, i, o, a, s, u, l = y !== m ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling",
c = e.parentNode,
f = x && e.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
p = !n && !x,
d = !1; if (c) { if (y) { while (l) { a = e; while (a = a[l])
if (x ? a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === f : 1 === a.nodeType) return !1;
u = l = "only" === h && !u && "nextSibling" } return !0 } if (u = [m ? c.firstChild : c.lastChild], m && p) { d = (s = (r = (i = (o = (a = c)[S] || (a[S] = {}))[a.uniqueID] || (o[a.uniqueID] = {}))[h] || [])[0] === k && r[1]) && r[2], a = s && c.childNodes[s]; while (a = ++s && a && a[l] || (d = s = 0) || u.pop())
if (1 === a.nodeType && ++d && a === e) { i[h] = [k, s, d]; break } } else if (p && (d = s = (r = (i = (o = (a = e)[S] || (a[S] = {}))[a.uniqueID] || (o[a.uniqueID] = {}))[h] || [])[0] === k && r[1]), !1 === d)
while (a = ++s && a && a[l] || (d = s = 0) || u.pop())
if ((x ? a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === f : 1 === a.nodeType) && ++d && (p && ((i = (o = a[S] || (a[S] = {}))[a.uniqueID] || (o[a.uniqueID] = {}))[h] = [k, d]), a === e)) break;
return (d -= v) === g || d % g == 0 && 0 <= d / g } } }, PSEUDO: function(e, o) { var t, a = b.pseudos[e] || b.setFilters[e.toLowerCase()] || se.error("unsupported pseudo: " + e); return a[S] ? a(o) : 1 < a.length ? (t = [e, e, "", o], b.setFilters.hasOwnProperty(e.toLowerCase()) ? le(function(e, t) { var n, r = a(e, o),
i = r.length; while (i--) e[n = P(e, r[i])] = !(t[n] = r[i]) }) : function(e) { return a(e, 0, t) }) : a } }, pseudos: { not: le(function(e) { var r = [],
i = [],
s = f(e.replace($, "$1")); return s[S] ? le(function(e, t, n, r) { var i, o = s(e, null, r, []),
a = e.length; while (a--)(i = o[a]) && (e[a] = !(t[a] = i)) }) : function(e, t, n) { return r[0] = e, s(r, null, n, i), r[0] = null, !i.pop() } }), has: le(function(t) { return function(e) { return 0 < se(t, e).length } }), contains: le(function(t) { return t = t.replace(te, ne),
function(e) { return -1 < (e.textContent || o(e)).indexOf(t) } }), lang: le(function(n) { return V.test(n || "") || se.error("unsupported lang: " + n), n = n.replace(te, ne).toLowerCase(),
function(e) { var t;
do { if (t = E ? e.lang : e.getAttribute("xml:lang") || e.getAttribute("lang")) return (t = t.toLowerCase()) === n || 0 === t.indexOf(n + "-") } while ((e = e.parentNode) && 1 === e.nodeType); return !1 } }), target: function(e) { var t = n.locations && n.locations.hash; return t && t.slice(1) === e.id }, root: function(e) { return e === a }, focus: function(e) { return e === C.activeElement && (!C.hasFocus || C.hasFocus()) && !!(e.type || e.href || ~e.tabIndex) }, enabled: ge(!1), disabled: ge(!0), checked: function(e) { var t = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return "input" === t && !!e.checked || "option" === t && !!e.selected }, selected: function(e) { return e.parentNode && e.parentNode.selectedIndex, !0 === e.selected }, empty: function(e) { for (e = e.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling)
if (e.nodeType < 6) return !1;
return !0 }, parent: function(e) { return !b.pseudos.empty(e) }, header: function(e) { return J.test(e.nodeName) }, input: function(e) { return Q.test(e.nodeName) }, button: function(e) { var t = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return "input" === t && "button" === e.type || "button" === t }, text: function(e) { var t; return "input" === e.nodeName.toLowerCase() && "text" === e.type && (null == (t = e.getAttribute("type")) || "text" === t.toLowerCase()) }, first: ve(function() { return [0] }), last: ve(function(e, t) { return [t - 1] }), eq: ve(function(e, t, n) { return [n < 0 ? n + t : n] }), even: ve(function(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t; n += 2) e.push(n); return e }), odd: ve(function(e, t) { for (var n = 1; n < t; n += 2) e.push(n); return e }), lt: ve(function(e, t, n) { for (var r = n < 0 ? n + t : t < n ? t : n; 0 <= --r;) e.push(r); return e }), gt: ve(function(e, t, n) { for (var r = n < 0 ? n + t : n; ++r < t;) e.push(r); return e }) } }).pseudos.nth = b.pseudos.eq, { radio: !0, checkbox: !0, file: !0, password: !0, image: !0 }) b.pseudos[e] = de(e); for (e in { submit: !0, reset: !0 }) b.pseudos[e] = he(e);
function me() {}
function xe(e) { for (var t = 0, n = e.length, r = ""; t < n; t++) r += e[t].value; return r }
function be(s, e, t) { var u = e.dir,
l = e.next,
c = l || u,
f = t && "parentNode" === c,
p = r++; return e.first ? function(e, t, n) { while (e = e[u])
if (1 === e.nodeType || f) return s(e, t, n);
return !1 } : function(e, t, n) { var r, i, o, a = [k, p]; if (n) { while (e = e[u])
if ((1 === e.nodeType || f) && s(e, t, n)) return !0 } else
while (e = e[u])
if (1 === e.nodeType || f)
if (i = (o = e[S] || (e[S] = {}))[e.uniqueID] || (o[e.uniqueID] = {}), l && l === e.nodeName.toLowerCase()) e = e[u] || e;
else { if ((r = i[c]) && r[0] === k && r[1] === p) return a[2] = r[2]; if ((i[c] = a)[2] = s(e, t, n)) return !0 } return !1 } }
function we(i) { return 1 < i.length ? function(e, t, n) { var r = i.length; while (r--)
if (!i[r](e, t, n)) return !1;
return !0 } : i[0] }
function Te(e, t, n, r, i) { for (var o, a = [], s = 0, u = e.length, l = null != t; s < u; s++)(o = e[s]) && (n && !n(o, r, i) || (a.push(o), l && t.push(s))); return a }
function Ce(d, h, g, v, y, e) { return v && !v[S] && (v = Ce(v)), y && !y[S] && (y = Ce(y, e)), le(function(e, t, n, r) { var i, o, a, s = [],
u = [],
l = t.length,
c = e || function(e, t, n) { for (var r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; r++) se(e, t[r], n); return n }(h || "*", n.nodeType ? [n] : n, []),
f = !d || !e && h ? c : Te(c, s, d, n, r),
p = g ? y || (e ? d : l || v) ? [] : t : f; if (g && g(f, p, n, r), v) { i = Te(p, u), v(i, [], n, r), o = i.length; while (o--)(a = i[o]) && (p[u[o]] = !(f[u[o]] = a)) } if (e) { if (y || d) { if (y) { i = [], o = p.length; while (o--)(a = p[o]) && i.push(f[o] = a);
y(null, p = [], i, r) }
o = p.length; while (o--)(a = p[o]) && -1 < (i = y ? P(e, a) : s[o]) && (e[i] = !(t[i] = a)) } } else p = Te(p === t ? p.splice(l, p.length) : p), y ? y(null, t, p, r) : H.apply(t, p) }) }
function Ee(e) { for (var i, t, n, r = e.length, o = b.relative[e[0].type], a = o || b.relative[" "], s = o ? 1 : 0, u = be(function(e) { return e === i }, a, !0), l = be(function(e) { return -1 < P(i, e) }, a, !0), c = [function(e, t, n) { var r = !o && (n || t !== w) || ((i = t).nodeType ? u(e, t, n) : l(e, t, n)); return i = null, r }]; s < r; s++)
if (t = b.relative[e[s].type]) c = [be(we(c), t)];
else { if ((t = b.filter[e[s].type].apply(null, e[s].matches))[S]) { for (n = ++s; n < r; n++)
if (b.relative[e[n].type]) break;
return Ce(1 < s && we(c), 1 < s && xe(e.slice(0, s - 1).concat({ value: " " === e[s - 2].type ? "*" : "" })).replace($, "$1"), t, s < n && Ee(e.slice(s, n)), n < r && Ee(e = e.slice(n)), n < r && xe(e)) }
c.push(t) }
return we(c) } return me.prototype = b.filters = b.pseudos, b.setFilters = new me, h = se.tokenize = function(e, t) { var n, r, i, o, a, s, u, l = x[e + " "]; if (l) return t ? 0 : l.slice(0);
a = e, s = [], u = b.preFilter; while (a) { for (o in n && !(r = _.exec(a)) || (r && (a = a.slice(r[0].length) || a), s.push(i = [])), n = !1, (r = z.exec(a)) && (n = r.shift(), i.push({ value: n, type: r[0].replace($, " ") }), a = a.slice(n.length)), b.filter) !(r = G[o].exec(a)) || u[o] && !(r = u[o](r)) || (n = r.shift(), i.push({ value: n, type: o, matches: r }), a = a.slice(n.length)); if (!n) break } return t ? a.length : a ? se.error(e) : x(e, s).slice(0) }, f = se.compile = function(e, t) { var n, v, y, m, x, r, i = [],
o = [],
a = A[e + " "]; if (!a) { t || (t = h(e)), n = t.length; while (n--)(a = Ee(t[n]))[S] ? i.push(a) : o.push(a);
(a = A(e, (v = o, m = 0 < (y = i).length, x = 0 < v.length, r = function(e, t, n, r, i) { var o, a, s, u = 0,
l = "0",
c = e && [],
f = [],
p = w,
d = e || x && b.find.TAG("*", i),
h = k += null == p ? 1 : Math.random() || .1,
g = d.length; for (i && (w = t == C || t || i); l !== g && null != (o = d[l]); l++) { if (x && o) { a = 0, t || o.ownerDocument == C || (T(o), n = !E); while (s = v[a++])
if (s(o, t || C, n)) { r.push(o); break }
i && (k = h) }
m && ((o = !s && o) && u--, e && c.push(o)) } if (u += l, m && l !== u) { a = 0; while (s = y[a++]) s(c, f, t, n); if (e) { if (0 < u)
while (l--) c[l] || f[l] || (f[l] = q.call(r));
f = Te(f) }
H.apply(r, f), i && !e && 0 < f.length && 1 < u + y.length && se.uniqueSort(r) } return i && (k = h, w = p), c }, m ? le(r) : r))).selector = e } return a }, g = se.select = function(e, t, n, r) { var i, o, a, s, u, l = "function" == typeof e && e,
c = !r && h(e = l.selector || e); if (n = n || [], 1 === c.length) { if (2 < (o = c[0] = c[0].slice(0)).length && "ID" === (a = o[0]).type && 9 === t.nodeType && E && b.relative[o[1].type]) { if (!(t = (b.find.ID(a.matches[0].replace(te, ne), t) || [])[0])) return n;
l && (t = t.parentNode), e = e.slice(o.shift().value.length) }
i = G.needsContext.test(e) ? 0 : o.length; while (i--) { if (a = o[i], b.relative[s = a.type]) break; if ((u = b.find[s]) && (r = u(a.matches[0].replace(te, ne), ee.test(o[0].type) && ye(t.parentNode) || t))) { if (o.splice(i, 1), !(e = r.length && xe(o))) return H.apply(n, r), n; break } } } return (l || f(e, c))(r, t, !E, n, !t || ee.test(e) && ye(t.parentNode) || t), n }, d.sortStable = S.split("").sort(D).join("") === S, d.detectDuplicates = !!l, T(), d.sortDetached = ce(function(e) { return 1 & e.compareDocumentPosition(C.createElement("fieldset")) }), ce(function(e) { return e.innerHTML = "", "#" === e.firstChild.getAttribute("href") }) || fe("type|href|height|width", function(e, t, n) { if (!n) return e.getAttribute(t, "type" === t.toLowerCase() ? 1 : 2) }), d.attributes && ce(function(e) { return e.innerHTML = "", e.firstChild.setAttribute("value", ""), "" === e.firstChild.getAttribute("value") }) || fe("value", function(e, t, n) { if (!n && "input" === e.nodeName.toLowerCase()) return e.defaultValue }), ce(function(e) { return null == e.getAttribute("disabled") }) || fe(R, function(e, t, n) { var r; if (!n) return !0 === e[t] ? t.toLowerCase() : (r = e.getAttributeNode(t)) && r.specified ? r.value : null }), se }(C);
S.find = d, S.expr = d.selectors, S.expr[":"] = S.expr.pseudos, S.uniqueSort = S.unique = d.uniqueSort, S.text = d.getText, S.isXMLDoc = d.isXML, S.contains = d.contains, S.escapeSelector = d.escape; var h = function(e, t, n) { var r = [],
i = void 0 !== n; while ((e = e[t]) && 9 !== e.nodeType)
if (1 === e.nodeType) { if (i && S(e).is(n)) break;
r.push(e) }
return r },
T = function(e, t) { for (var n = []; e; e = e.nextSibling) 1 === e.nodeType && e !== t && n.push(e); return n },
k = S.expr.match.needsContext;
function A(e, t) { return e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase() } var N = /^<([a-z][^\/\0>:\x20\t\r\n\f]*)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/i;
function D(e, n, r) { return m(n) ? S.grep(e, function(e, t) { return !!n.call(e, t, e) !== r }) : n.nodeType ? S.grep(e, function(e) { return e === n !== r }) : "string" != typeof n ? S.grep(e, function(e) { return -1 < i.call(n, e) !== r }) : S.filter(n, e, r) }
S.filter = function(e, t, n) { var r = t[0]; return n && (e = ":not(" + e + ")"), 1 === t.length && 1 === r.nodeType ? S.find.matchesSelector(r, e) ? [r] : [] : S.find.matches(e, S.grep(t, function(e) { return 1 === e.nodeType })) }, S.fn.extend({ find: function(e) { var t, n, r = this.length,
i = this; if ("string" != typeof e) return this.pushStack(S(e).filter(function() { for (t = 0; t < r; t++)
if (S.contains(i[t], this)) return !0 })); for (n = this.pushStack([]), t = 0; t < r; t++) S.find(e, i[t], n); return 1 < r ? S.uniqueSort(n) : n }, filter: function(e) { return this.pushStack(D(this, e || [], !1)) }, not: function(e) { return this.pushStack(D(this, e || [], !0)) }, is: function(e) { return !!D(this, "string" == typeof e && k.test(e) ? S(e) : e || [], !1).length } }); var j, q = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]+))$/;
(S.fn.init = function(e, t, n) { var r, i; if (!e) return this; if (n = n || j, "string" == typeof e) { if (!(r = "<" === e[0] && ">" === e[e.length - 1] && 3 <= e.length ? [null, e, null] : q.exec(e)) || !r[1] && t) return !t || t.jquery ? (t || n).find(e) : this.constructor(t).find(e); if (r[1]) { if (t = t instanceof S ? t[0] : t, S.merge(this, S.parseHTML(r[1], t && t.nodeType ? t.ownerDocument || t : E, !0)), N.test(r[1]) && S.isPlainObject(t))
for (r in t) m(this[r]) ? this[r](t[r]) : this.attr(r, t[r]); return this } return (i = E.getElementById(r[2])) && (this[0] = i, this.length = 1), this } return e.nodeType ? (this[0] = e, this.length = 1, this) : m(e) ? void 0 !== n.ready ? n.ready(e) : e(S) : S.makeArray(e, this) }).prototype = S.fn, j = S(E); var L = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/,
H = { children: !0, contents: !0, next: !0, prev: !0 };
function O(e, t) { while ((e = e[t]) && 1 !== e.nodeType); return e }
S.fn.extend({ has: function(e) { var t = S(e, this),
n = t.length; return this.filter(function() { for (var e = 0; e < n; e++)
if (S.contains(this, t[e])) return !0 }) }, closest: function(e, t) { var n, r = 0,
i = this.length,
o = [],
a = "string" != typeof e && S(e); if (!k.test(e))
for (; r < i; r++)
for (n = this[r]; n && n !== t; n = n.parentNode)
if (n.nodeType < 11 && (a ? -1 < a.index(n) : 1 === n.nodeType && S.find.matchesSelector(n, e))) { o.push(n); break }
return this.pushStack(1 < o.length ? S.uniqueSort(o) : o) }, index: function(e) { return e ? "string" == typeof e ? i.call(S(e), this[0]) : i.call(this, e.jquery ? e[0] : e) : this[0] && this[0].parentNode ? this.first().prevalsl().length : -1 }, add: function(e, t) { return this.pushStack(S.uniqueSort(S.merge(this.get(), S(e, t)))) }, addBack: function(e) { return this.add(null == e ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(e)) } }), S.each({ parent: function(e) { var t = e.parentNode; return t && 11 !== t.nodeType ? t : null }, parents: function(e) { return h(e, "parentNode") }, parentsUntil: function(e, t, n) { return h(e, "parentNode", n) }, next: function(e) { return O(e, "nextSibling") }, prev: function(e) { return O(e, "previousSibling") }, nextAll: function(e) { return h(e, "nextSibling") }, prevalsl: function(e) { return h(e, "previousSibling") }, nextUntil: function(e, t, n) { return h(e, "nextSibling", n) }, prevUntil: function(e, t, n) { return h(e, "previousSibling", n) }, siblings: function(e) { return T((e.parentNode || {}).firstChild, e) }, children: function(e) { return T(e.firstChild) }, contents: function(e) { return null != e.contentDocument && r(e.contentDocument) ? e.contentDocument : (A(e, "template") && (e = e.content || e), S.merge([], e.childNodes)) } }, function(r, i) { S.fn[r] = function(e, t) { var n = S.map(this, i, e); return "Until" !== r.slice(-5) && (t = e), t && "string" == typeof t && (n = S.filter(t, n)), 1 < this.length && (H[r] || S.uniqueSort(n), L.test(r) && n.reverse()), this.pushStack(n) } }); var P = /[^\x20\t\r\n\f]+/g;
function R(e) { return e }
function M(e) { throw e }
function I(e, t, n, r) { var i; try { e && m(i = e.promise) ? i.call(e).done(t).fail(n) : e && m(i = e.then) ? i.call(e, t, n) : t.apply(void 0, [e].slice(r)) } catch (e) { n.apply(void 0, [e]) } }
S.Callbacks = function(r) { var e, n;
r = "string" == typeof r ? (e = r, n = {}, S.each(e.match(P) || [], function(e, t) { n[t] = !0 }), n) : S.extend({}, r); var i, t, o, a, s = [],
u = [],
l = -1,
c = function() { for (a = a || r.once, o = i = !0; u.length; l = -1) { t = u.shift(); while (++l < s.length) !1 === s[l].apply(t[0], t[1]) && r.stopOnFalse && (l = s.length, t = !1) }
r.memory || (t = !1), i = !1, a && (s = t ? [] : "") },
f = { add: function() { return s && (t && !i && (l = s.length - 1, u.push(t)), function n(e) { S.each(e, function(e, t) { m(t) ? r.unique && f.has(t) || s.push(t) : t && t.length && "string" !== w(t) && n(t) }) }(arguments), t && !i && c()), this }, remove: function() { return S.each(arguments, function(e, t) { var n; while (-1 < (n = S.inArray(t, s, n))) s.splice(n, 1), n <= l && l-- }), this }, has: function(e) { return e ? -1 < S.inArray(e, s) : 0 < s.length }, empty: function() { return s && (s = []), this }, disable: function() { return a = u = [], s = t = "", this }, disabled: function() { return !s }, lock: function() { return a = u = [], t || i || (s = t = ""), this }, locked: function() { return !!a }, fireWith: function(e, t) { return a || (t = [e, (t = t || []).slice ? t.slice() : t], u.push(t), i || c()), this }, fire: function() { return f.fireWith(this, arguments), this }, fired: function() { return !!o } }; return f }, S.extend({ Deferred: function(e) { var o = [
["notify", "progress", S.Callbacks("memory"), S.Callbacks("memory"), 2],
["resolve", "done", S.Callbacks("once memory"), S.Callbacks("once memory"), 0, "resolved"],
["reject", "fail", S.Callbacks("once memory"), S.Callbacks("once memory"), 1, "rejected"]
i = "pending",
a = { state: function() { return i }, always: function() { return s.done(arguments).fail(arguments), this }, "catch": function(e) { return a.then(null, e) }, pipe: function() { var i = arguments; return S.Deferred(function(r) { S.each(o, function(e, t) { var n = m(i[t[4]]) && i[t[4]];
s[t[1]](function() { var e = n && n.apply(this, arguments);
e && m(e.promise) ? e.promise().progress(r.notify).done(r.resolve).fail(r.reject) : r[t[0] + "With"](this, n ? [e] : arguments) }) }), i = null }).promise() }, then: function(t, n, r) { var u = 0;
function l(i, o, a, s) { return function() { var n = this,
r = arguments,
e = function() { var e, t; if (!(i < u)) { if ((e = a.apply(n, r)) === o.promise()) throw new TypeError("Thenable self-resolution");
t = e && ("object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e) && e.then, m(t) ? s ? t.call(e, l(u, o, R, s), l(u, o, M, s)) : (u++, t.call(e, l(u, o, R, s), l(u, o, M, s), l(u, o, R, o.notifyWith))) : (a !== R && (n = void 0, r = [e]), (s || o.resolveWith)(n, r)) } },
t = s ? e : function() { try { e() } catch (e) { S.Deferred.exceptionHook && S.Deferred.exceptionHook(e, t.stackTrace), u <= i + 1 && (a !== M && (n = void 0, r = [e]), o.rejectWith(n, r)) } };
i ? t() : (S.Deferred.getStackHook && (t.stackTrace = S.Deferred.getStackHook()), C.setTimeout(t)) } } return S.Deferred(function(e) { o[0][3].add(l(0, e, m(r) ? r : R, e.notifyWith)), o[1][3].add(l(0, e, m(t) ? t : R)), o[2][3].add(l(0, e, m(n) ? n : M)) }).promise() }, promise: function(e) { return null != e ? S.extend(e, a) : a } },
s = {}; return S.each(o, function(e, t) { var n = t[2],
r = t[5];
a[t[1]] = n.add, r && n.add(function() { i = r }, o[3 - e][2].disable, o[3 - e][3].disable, o[0][2].lock, o[0][3].lock), n.add(t[3].fire), s[t[0]] = function() { return s[t[0] + "With"](this === s ? void 0 : this, arguments), this }, s[t[0] + "With"] = n.fireWith }), a.promise(s), e && e.call(s, s), s }, when: function(e) { var n = arguments.length,
t = n,
r = Array(t),
i = s.call(arguments),
o = S.Deferred(),
a = function(t) { return function(e) { r[t] = this, i[t] = 1 < arguments.length ? s.call(arguments) : e, --n || o.resolveWith(r, i) } }; if (n <= 1 && (I(e, o.done(a(t)).resolve, o.reject, !n), "pending" === o.state() || m(i[t] && i[t].then))) return o.then(); while (t--) I(i[t], a(t), o.reject); return o.promise() } }); var W = /^(evals|Internal|Range|Reference|Syntax|Type|URI)Error$/;
S.Deferred.exceptionHook = function(e, t) { C.console && C.console.warn && e && W.test(e.name) && C.console.warn("jQuery.Deferred exception: " + e.message, e.stack, t) }, S.readyException = function(e) { C.setTimeout(function() { throw e }) }; var F = S.Deferred();
function B() { E.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", B), C.removeEventListener("load", B), S.ready() }
S.fn.ready = function(e) { return F.then(e)["catch"](function(e) { S.readyException(e) }), this }, S.extend({ isReady: !1, readyWait: 1, ready: function(e) {
(!0 === e ? --S.readyWait : S.isReady) || (S.isReady = !0) !== e && 0 < --S.readyWait || F.resolveWith(E, [S]) } }), S.ready.then = F.then, "complete" === E.readyState || "loading" !== E.readyState && !E.documentElement.doScroll ? C.setTimeout(S.ready) : (E.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", B), C.addEventListener("load", B)); var $ = function(e, t, n, r, i, o, a) { var s = 0,
u = e.length,
l = null == n; if ("object" === w(n))
for (s in i = !0, n) $(e, t, s, n[s], !0, o, a);
else if (void 0 !== r && (i = !0, m(r) || (a = !0), l && (a ? (t.call(e, r), t = null) : (l = t, t = function(e, t, n) { return l.call(S(e), n) })), t))
for (; s < u; s++) t(e[s], n, a ? r : r.call(e[s], s, t(e[s], n))); return i ? e : l ? t.call(e) : u ? t(e[0], n) : o },
_ = /^-ms-/,
z = /-([a-z])/g;
function U(e, t) { return t.toUpperCase() }
function X(e) { return e.replace(_, "ms-").replace(z, U) } var V = function(e) { return 1 === e.nodeType || 9 === e.nodeType || !+e.nodeType };
function G() { this.expando = S.expando + G.uid++ }
G.uid = 1, G.prototype = { cache: function(e) { var t = e[this.expando]; return t || (t = Object.create(null), V(e) && (e.nodeType ? e[this.expando] = t : Object.defineProperty(e, this.expando, { value: t, configurable: !0 }))), t }, set: function(e, t, n) { var r, i = this.cache(e); if ("string" == typeof t) i[X(t)] = n;
for (r in t) i[X(r)] = t[r]; return i }, get: function(e, t) { return void 0 === t ? this.cache(e) : e[this.expando] && e[this.expando][X(t)] }, access: function(e, t, n) { return void 0 === t || t && "string" == typeof t && void 0 === n ? this.get(e, t) : (this.set(e, t, n), void 0 !== n ? n : t) }, remove: function(e, t) { var n, r = e[this.expando]; if (void 0 !== r) { if (void 0 !== t) { n = (t = Array.isArray(t) ? t.map(X) : (t = X(t)) in r ? [t] : t.match(P) || []).length; while (n--) delete r[t[n]] }(void 0 === t || S.isEmptyObject(r)) && (e.nodeType ? e[this.expando] = void 0 : delete e[this.expando]) } }, hasData: function(e) { var t = e[this.expando]; return void 0 !== t && !S.isEmptyObject(t) } }; var Y = new G,
Q = new G,
J = /^(?:\{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/,
K = /[A-Z]/g;
function Z(e, t, n) { var r, i; if (void 0 === n && 1 === e.nodeType)
if (r = "data-" + t.replace(K, "-$&").toLowerCase(), "string" == typeof(n = e.getAttribute(r))) { try { n = "true" === (i = n) || "false" !== i && ("null" === i ? null : i === +i + "" ? +i : J.test(i) ? JSON.parse(i) : i) } catch (e) {}
Q.set(e, t, n) } else n = void 0;
return n }
S.extend({ hasData: function(e) { return Q.hasData(e) || Y.hasData(e) }, data: function(e, t, n) { return Q.access(e, t, n) }, removeData: function(e, t) { Q.remove(e, t) }, _data: function(e, t, n) { return Y.access(e, t, n) }, _removeData: function(e, t) { Y.remove(e, t) } }), S.fn.extend({ data: function(n, e) { var t, r, i, o = this[0],
a = o && o.attributes; if (void 0 === n) { if (this.length && (i = Q.get(o), 1 === o.nodeType && !Y.get(o, "hasDataAttrs"))) { t = a.length; while (t--) a[t] && 0 === (r = a[t].name).indexOf("data-") && (r = X(r.slice(5)), Z(o, r, i[r]));
Y.set(o, "hasDataAttrs", !0) } return i } return "object" == typeof n ? this.each(function() { Q.set(this, n) }) : $(this, function(e) { var t; if (o && void 0 === e) return void 0 !== (t = Q.get(o, n)) ? t : void 0 !== (t = Z(o, n)) ? t : void 0;
this.each(function() { Q.set(this, n, e) }) }, null, e, 1 < arguments.length, null, !0) }, removeData: function(e) { return this.each(function() { Q.remove(this, e) }) } }), S.extend({ queue: function(e, t, n) { var r; if (e) return t = (t || "fx") + "queue", r = Y.get(e, t), n && (!r || Array.isArray(n) ? r = Y.access(e, t, S.makeArray(n)) : r.push(n)), r || [] }, dequeue: function(e, t) { t = t || "fx"; var n = S.queue(e, t),
r = n.length,
i = n.shift(),
o = S._queueHooks(e, t); "inprogress" === i && (i = n.shift(), r--), i && ("fx" === t && n.unshift("inprogress"), delete o.stop, i.call(e, function() { S.dequeue(e, t) }, o)), !r && o && o.empty.fire() }, _queueHooks: function(e, t) { var n = t + "queueHooks"; return Y.get(e, n) || Y.access(e, n, { empty: S.Callbacks("once memory").add(function() { Y.remove(e, [t + "queue", n]) }) }) } }), S.fn.extend({ queue: function(t, n) { var e = 2; return "string" != typeof t && (n = t, t = "fx", e--), arguments.length < e ? S.queue(this[0], t) : void 0 === n ? this : this.each(function() { var e = S.queue(this, t, n);
S._queueHooks(this, t), "fx" === t && "inprogress" !== e[0] && S.dequeue(this, t) }) }, dequeue: function(e) { return this.each(function() { S.dequeue(this, e) }) }, clearQueue: function(e) { return this.queue(e || "fx", []) }, promise: function(e, t) { var n, r = 1,
i = S.Deferred(),
o = this,
a = this.length,
s = function() {--r || i.resolveWith(o, [o]) }; "string" != typeof e && (t = e, e = void 0), e = e || "fx"; while (a--)(n = Y.get(o[a], e + "queueHooks")) && n.empty && (r++, n.empty.add(s)); return s(), i.promise(t) } }); var ee = /[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/.source,
te = new RegExp("^(?:([+-])=|)(" + ee + ")([a-z%]*)$", "i"),
ne = ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"],
re = E.documentElement,
ie = function(e) { return S.contains(e.ownerDocument, e) },
oe = { composed: !0 };
re.getRootNode && (ie = function(e) { return S.contains(e.ownerDocument, e) || e.getRootNode(oe) === e.ownerDocument }); var ae = function(e, t) { return "none" === (e = t || e).style.display || "" === e.style.display && ie(e) && "none" === S.css(e, "display") };
function se(e, t, n, r) { var i, o, a = 20,
s = r ? function() { return r.cur() } : function() { return S.css(e, t, "") },
u = s(),
l = n && n[3] || (S.cssNumber[t] ? "" : "px"),
c = e.nodeType && (S.cssNumber[t] || "px" !== l && +u) && te.exec(S.css(e, t)); if (c && c[3] !== l) { u /= 2, l = l || c[3], c = +u || 1; while (a--) S.style(e, t, c + l), (1 - o) * (1 - (o = s() / u || .5)) <= 0 && (a = 0), c /= o;
c *= 2, S.style(e, t, c + l), n = n || [] } return n && (c = +c || +u || 0, i = n[1] ? c + (n[1] + 1) * n[2] : +n[2], r && (r.unit = l, r.start = c, r.end = i)), i } var ue = {};
function le(e, t) { for (var n, r, i, o, a, s, u, l = [], c = 0, f = e.length; c < f; c++)(r = e[c]).style && (n = r.style.display, t ? ("none" === n && (l[c] = Y.get(r, "display") || null, l[c] || (r.style.display = "")), "" === r.style.display && ae(r) && (l[c] = (u = a = o = void 0, a = (i = r).ownerDocument, s = i.nodeName, (u = ue[s]) || (o = a.body.appendChild(a.createElement(s)), u = S.css(o, "display"), o.parentNode.removeChild(o), "none" === u && (u = "block"), ue[s] = u)))) : "none" !== n && (l[c] = "none", Y.set(r, "display", n))); for (c = 0; c < f; c++) null != l[c] && (e[c].style.display = l[c]); return e }
S.fn.extend({ show: function() { return le(this, !0) }, hide: function() { return le(this) }, toggle: function(e) { return "boolean" == typeof e ? e ? this.show() : this.hide() : this.each(function() { ae(this) ? S(this).show() : S(this).hide() }) } }); var ce, fe, pe = /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i,
de = /<([a-z][^\/\0>\x20\t\r\n\f]*)/i,
he = /^$|^module$|\/(?:java|ecma)script/i;
ce = E.createDocumentFragment().appendChild(E.createElement("div")), (fe = E.createElement("input")).setAttribute("type", "radio"), fe.setAttribute("checked", "checked"), fe.setAttribute("name", "t"), ce.appendChild(fe), y.checkClone = ce.cloneNode(!0).cloneNode(!0).lastChild.checked, ce.innerHTML = "", y.noCloneChecked = !!ce.cloneNode(!0).lastChild.defaultValue, ce.innerHTML = "", y.option = !!ce.lastChild; var ge = { thead: [1, ""], col: [2, ""], tr: [2, ""], td: [3, ""], _default: [0, "", ""] };
function ve(e, t) { var n; return n = "undefined" != typeof e.getElementsByTagName ? e.getElementsByTagName(t || "*") : "undefined" != typeof e.querySelectorAll ? e.querySelectorAll(t || "*") : [], void 0 === t || t && A(e, t) ? S.merge([e], n) : n }
function ye(e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) Y.set(e[n], "globalevals", !t || Y.get(t[n], "globalevals")) }
ge.tbody = ge.tfoot = ge.colgroup = ge.caption = ge.thead, ge.th = ge.td, y.option || (ge.optgroup = ge.option = [1, ""]); var me = /<|?\w+;/;
function xe(e, t, n, r, i) { for (var o, a, s, u, l, c, f = t.createDocumentFragment(), p = [], d = 0, h = e.length; d < h; d++)
if ((o = e[d]) || 0 === o)
if ("object" === w(o)) S.merge(p, o.nodeType ? [o] : o);
else if (me.test(o)) { a = a || f.appendChild(t.createElement("div")), s = (de.exec(o) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(), u = ge[s] || ge._default, a.innerHTML = u[1] + S.htmlPrefilter(o) + u[2], c = u[0]; while (c--) a = a.lastChild;
S.merge(p, a.childNodes), (a = f.firstChild).textContent = "" } else p.push(t.createTextNode(o));
f.textContent = "", d = 0; while (o = p[d++])
if (r && -1 < S.inArray(o, r)) i && i.push(o);
else if (l = ie(o), a = ve(f.appendChild(o), "script"), l && ye(a), n) { c = 0; while (o = a[c++]) he.test(o.type || "") && n.push(o) } return f } var be = /^key/,
we = /^(?:mouse|pointer|contextmenu|drag|drop)|click/,
Te = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)/;
function Ce() { return !0 }
function Ee() { return !1 }
function Se(e, t) { return e === function() { try { return E.activeElement } catch (e) {} }() == ("focus" === t) }
function ke(e, t, n, r, i, o) { var a, s; if ("object" == typeof t) { for (s in "string" != typeof n && (r = r || n, n = void 0), t) ke(e, s, n, r, t[s], o); return e } if (null == r && null == i ? (i = n, r = n = void 0) : null == i && ("string" == typeof n ? (i = r, r = void 0) : (i = r, r = n, n = void 0)), !1 === i) i = Ee;
else if (!i) return e; return 1 === o && (a = i, (i = function(e) { return S().off(e), a.apply(this, arguments) }).guid = a.guid || (a.guid = S.guid++)), e.each(function() { S.event.add(this, t, i, r, n) }) }
function Ae(e, i, o) { o ? (Y.set(e, i, !1), S.event.add(e, i, { namespace: !1, handler: function(e) { var t, n, r = Y.get(this, i); if (1 & e.isTrigger && this[i]) { if (r.length)(S.event.special[i] || {}).delegateType && e.stopPropagation();
else if (r = s.call(arguments), Y.set(this, i, r), t = o(this, i), this[i](), r !== (n = Y.get(this, i)) || t ? Y.set(this, i, !1) : n = {}, r !== n) return e.stopImmediatePropagation(), e.preventDefault(), n.value } else r.length && (Y.set(this, i, { value: S.event.trigger(S.extend(r[0], S.Event.prototype), r.slice(1), this) }), e.stopImmediatePropagation()) } })) : void 0 === Y.get(e, i) && S.event.add(e, i, Ce) }
S.event = { global: {}, add: function(t, e, n, r, i) { var o, a, s, u, l, c, f, p, d, h, g, v = Y.get(t); if (V(t)) { n.handler && (n = (o = n).handler, i = o.selector), i && S.find.matchesSelector(re, i), n.guid || (n.guid = S.guid++), (u = v.events) || (u = v.events = Object.create(null)), (a = v.handle) || (a = v.handle = function(e) { return "undefined" != typeof S && S.event.triggered !== e.type ? S.event.dispatch.apply(t, arguments) : void 0 }), l = (e = (e || "").match(P) || [""]).length; while (l--) d = g = (s = Te.exec(e[l]) || [])[1], h = (s[2] || "").split(".").sort(), d && (f = S.event.special[d] || {}, d = (i ? f.delegateType : f.bindType) || d, f = S.event.special[d] || {}, c = S.extend({ type: d, origType: g, data: r, handler: n, guid: n.guid, selector: i, needsContext: i && S.expr.match.needsContext.test(i), namespace: h.join(".") }, o), (p = u[d]) || ((p = u[d] = []).delegateCount = 0, f.setup && !1 !== f.setup.call(t, r, h, a) || t.addEventListener && t.addEventListener(d, a)), f.add && (f.add.call(t, c), c.handler.guid || (c.handler.guid = n.guid)), i ? p.splice(p.delegateCount++, 0, c) : p.push(c), S.event.global[d] = !0) } }, remove: function(e, t, n, r, i) { var o, a, s, u, l, c, f, p, d, h, g, v = Y.hasData(e) && Y.get(e); if (v && (u = v.events)) { l = (t = (t || "").match(P) || [""]).length; while (l--)
if (d = g = (s = Te.exec(t[l]) || [])[1], h = (s[2] || "").split(".").sort(), d) { f = S.event.special[d] || {}, p = u[d = (r ? f.delegateType : f.bindType) || d] || [], s = s[2] && new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + h.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)"), a = o = p.length; while (o--) c = p[o], !i && g !== c.origType || n && n.guid !== c.guid || s && !s.test(c.namespace) || r && r !== c.selector && ("**" !== r || !c.selector) || (p.splice(o, 1), c.selector && p.delegateCount--, f.remove && f.remove.call(e, c));
a && !p.length && (f.teardown && !1 !== f.teardown.call(e, h, v.handle) || S.removeEvent(e, d, v.handle), delete u[d]) } else
for (d in u) S.event.remove(e, d + t[l], n, r, !0);
S.isEmptyObject(u) && Y.remove(e, "handle events") } }, dispatch: function(e) { var t, n, r, i, o, a, s = new Array(arguments.length),
u = S.event.fix(e),
l = (Y.get(this, "events") || Object.create(null))[u.type] || [],
c = S.event.special[u.type] || {}; for (s[0] = u, t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) s[t] = arguments[t]; if (u.delegateTarget = this, !c.preDispatch || !1 !== c.preDispatch.call(this, u)) { a = S.event.handlers.call(this, u, l), t = 0; while ((i = a[t++]) && !u.isPropagationStopped()) { u.currentTarget = i.elem, n = 0; while ((o = i.handlers[n++]) && !u.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) u.rnamespace && !1 !== o.namespace && !u.rnamespace.test(o.namespace) || (u.handleObj = o, u.data = o.data, void 0 !== (r = ((S.event.special[o.origType] || {}).handle || o.handler).apply(i.elem, s)) && !1 === (u.result = r) && (u.preventDefault(), u.stopPropagation())) } return c.postDispatch && c.postDispatch.call(this, u), u.result } }, handlers: function(e, t) { var n, r, i, o, a, s = [],
u = t.delegateCount,
l = e.target; if (u && l.nodeType && !("click" === e.type && 1 <= e.button))
for (; l !== this; l = l.parentNode || this)
if (1 === l.nodeType && ("click" !== e.type || !0 !== l.disabled)) { for (o = [], a = {}, n = 0; n < u; n++) void 0 === a[i = (r = t[n]).selector + " "] && (a[i] = r.needsContext ? -1 < S(i, this).index(l) : S.find(i, this, null, [l]).length), a[i] && o.push(r);
o.length && s.push({ elem: l, handlers: o }) }
return l = this, u < t.length && s.push({ elem: l, handlers: t.slice(u) }), s }, addProp: function(t, e) { Object.defineProperty(S.Event.prototype, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, get: m(e) ? function() { if (this.originalEvent) return e(this.originalEvent) } : function() { if (this.originalEvent) return this.originalEvent[t] }, set: function(e) { Object.defineProperty(this, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: e }) } }) }, fix: function(e) { return e[S.expando] ? e : new S.Event(e) }, special: { load: { noBubble: !0 }, click: { setup: function(e) { var t = this || e; return pe.test(t.type) && t.click && A(t, "input") && Ae(t, "click", Ce), !1 }, trigger: function(e) { var t = this || e; return pe.test(t.type) && t.click && A(t, "input") && Ae(t, "click"), !0 }, _default: function(e) { var t = e.target; return pe.test(t.type) && t.click && A(t, "input") && Y.get(t, "click") || A(t, "a") } }, beforeunload: { postDispatch: function(e) { void 0 !== e.result && e.originalEvent && (e.originalEvent.returnValue = e.result) } } } }, S.removeEvent = function(e, t, n) { e.removeEventListener && e.removeEventListener(t, n) }, S.Event = function(e, t) { if (!(this instanceof S.Event)) return new S.Event(e, t);
e && e.type ? (this.originalEvent = e, this.type = e.type, this.isDefaultPrevented = e.defaultPrevented || void 0 === e.defaultPrevented && !1 === e.returnValue ? Ce : Ee, this.target = e.target && 3 === e.target.nodeType ? e.target.parentNode : e.target, this.currentTarget = e.currentTarget, this.relatedTarget = e.relatedTarget) : this.type = e, t && S.extend(this, t), this.timeStamp = e && e.timeStamp || Date.now(), this[S.expando] = !0 }, S.Event.prototype = { constructor: S.Event, isDefaultPrevented: Ee, isPropagationStopped: Ee, isImmediatePropagationStopped: Ee, isSimulated: !1, preventDefault: function() { var e = this.originalEvent;
this.isDefaultPrevented = Ce, e && !this.isSimulated && e.preventDefault() }, stopPropagation: function() { var e = this.originalEvent;
this.isPropagationStopped = Ce, e && !this.isSimulated && e.stopPropagation() }, stopImmediatePropagation: function() { var e = this.originalEvent;
this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = Ce, e && !this.isSimulated && e.stopImmediatePropagation(), this.stopPropagation() } }, S.each({ altKey: !0, bubbles: !0, cancelable: !0, changedTouches: !0, ctrlKey: !0, detail: !0, eventPhase: !0, metaKey: !0, pageX: !0, pageY: !0, shiftKey: !0, view: !0, "char": !0, code: !0, charCode: !0, key: !0, keyCode: !0, button: !0, buttons: !0, clientX: !0, clientY: !0, offsetX: !0, offsetY: !0, pointerId: !0, pointerType: !0, screenX: !0, screenY: !0, targetTouches: !0, toElement: !0, touches: !0, which: function(e) { var t = e.button; return null == e.which && be.test(e.type) ? null != e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode : !e.which && void 0 !== t && we.test(e.type) ? 1 & t ? 1 : 2 & t ? 3 : 4 & t ? 2 : 0 : e.which } }, S.event.addProp), S.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function(e, t) { S.event.special[e] = { setup: function() { return Ae(this, e, Se), !1 }, trigger: function() { return Ae(this, e), !0 }, delegateType: t } }), S.each({ mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout", pointerenter: "pointerover", pointerleave: "pointerout" }, function(e, i) { S.event.special[e] = { delegateType: i, bindType: i, handle: function(e) { var t, n = e.relatedTarget,
r = e.handleObj; return n && (n === this || S.contains(this, n)) || (e.type = r.origType, t = r.handler.apply(this, arguments), e.type = i), t } } }), S.fn.extend({ on: function(e, t, n, r) { return ke(this, e, t, n, r) }, one: function(e, t, n, r) { return ke(this, e, t, n, r, 1) }, off: function(e, t, n) { var r, i; if (e && e.preventDefault && e.handleObj) return r = e.handleObj, S(e.delegateTarget).off(r.namespace ? r.origType + "." + r.namespace : r.origType, r.selector, r.handler), this; if ("object" == typeof e) { for (i in e) this.off(i, t, e[i]); return this } return !1 !== t && "function" != typeof t || (n = t, t = void 0), !1 === n && (n = Ee), this.each(function() { S.event.remove(this, e, n, t) }) } }); var Ne = /';
// 同步加载Ajax,返回字符串
function get_ajax(turl)
return $.phpok.ajax(turl);
// 同步加载Ajax,返回JSON数组
function json_ajax(turl)
return $.phpok.json(turl);
* JS语法中涉及到的语言包替换
* @参数 str 要替换的语言包,支持使用{}包起来的变量
* @参数 info 支持字符串,对数数据,要替换的变量,为空表示没有变量信息
* @返回 替换后的数据
* @更新时间
function p_lang(str,info)
if(!str || str == 'undefined'){
return false;
if(lang && lang[str]){
if(!info || info == 'undefined' || typeof info == 'boolean'){
return lang[str];
str = lang[str];
if(typeof info == 'string' || typeof info == 'number'){
return str.replace(/(\{|\[)\w+?(\}|\])/,info);
for(var i in info){
str = str.replace('{'+i+'}',info[i]);
str = str.replace('['+i+']',info[i]);
return str;
if(!info || info == 'undefined' || typeof info == 'boolean'){
return str;
if(typeof info == 'string' || typeof info == 'number'){
return str.replace(/(\{|\[)\w+?(\}|\])/,info);
//return str.replace(/\{\w+\}/,info);
for(var i in info){
str = str.replace('{'+i+'}',info[i]);
str = str.replace('['+i+']',info[i]);
return str;
// 异步加载Ajax,执行函数
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// 跳转页面
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function autosave_callback(rs)
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/* 计算字符数长度,中文等同于三个字符,英文为一个字符 */
function strlen(str)
var len = str.length;
var reLen = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (str.charCodeAt(i) < 27 || str.charCodeAt(i) > 126)
reLen += 3;
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resize: false
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/* 计算数组或对像中的个数 */
function count(id)
var t = typeof id;
if(t == 'string'){
return id.length;
if(t == 'object'){
var n = 0;
for(var i in id){
return n;
return false;
* jQuery Form Plugin
* version: 4.2.2
* Requires jQuery v1.7.2 or later
* Project repository: http://github.com/jquery-form/form
* Copyright 2017 Kevin Morris
* Copyright 2006 M. Alsup
* Dual licensed under the LGPL-2.1+ or MIT licenses
* http://github.com/jquery-form/form#license
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
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Update : 2013年9月12日
function phpok_open(id,title)
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var url = get_url("ajax","exit","filename="+id);
var url = id;
if(!title || title == "undefined") title = '弹出窗';
$.fn.phpok_vcode = function(ext){
var url = api_url('vcode');
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url += "&id="+ext;
$.phpok_www = {
if(!tid || tid == 'undefined')
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var content = $("#"+id).val();
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url += "&_spam="+spam;
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if(rs.status == 'ok')
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* SuperSlide v2.1.1
* 轻松解决网站大部分特效展示问题
* 详尽信息请看官网:http://www.SuperSlide2.com/
* Copyright 2011-2013, 大话主席
* 请尊重原创,保留头部版权
* 在保留版权的前提下可应用于个人或商业用途
* v2.1.1:修复当调用多个SuperSlide,并设置returnDefault:true 时返回defaultIndex索引错误
!function(a){a.fn.slide=function(b){return a.fn.slide.defaults={type:"slide",effect:"fade",autoPlay:!1,delayTime:500,interTime:2500,triggerTime:150,defaultIndex:0,titCell:".hd li",mainCell:".bd",targetCell:null,trigger:"mouseover",scroll:1,vis:1,titOnClassName:"on",autoPage:!1,prevCell:".prev",nextCell:".next",pageStateCell:".pageState",opp:!1,pnLoop:!0,easing:"swing",startFun:null,endFun:null,switchLoad:null,playStateCell:".playState",mouseOverStop:!0,defaultPlay:!0,returnDefault:!1},this.each(function(){var c=a.extend({},a.fn.slide.defaults,b),d=a(this),e=c.effect,f=a(c.prevCell,d),g=a(c.nextCell,d),h=a(c.pageStateCell,d),i=a(c.playStateCell,d),j=a(c.titCell,d),k=j.size(),l=a(c.mainCell,d),m=l.children().size(),n=c.switchLoad,o=a(c.targetCell,d),p=parseInt(c.defaultIndex),q=parseInt(c.delayTime),r=parseInt(c.interTime);parseInt(c.triggerTime);var 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* artDialog 4.1.7
* Date: 2013-03-03 08:04
* http://code.google.com/p/artdialog/
* (c) 2009-2012 TangBin, http://www.planeArt.cn
* This is licensed under the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later.
* For details, see: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/
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* artDialog iframeTools
* Date: 2011-11-25 13:54
* http://code.google.com/p/artdialog/
* (c) 2009-2011 TangBin, http://www.planeArt.cn
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* For details, see: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/
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* 购物车中涉及到的JS操作,此处使用jQuery封装
* @作者 qinggan
* @版权 2015-2016 深圳市锟铻科技有限公司
* @网站 http://www.phpok.com
* @版本 4.x
* @授权 http://www.phpok.com/lgpl.html PHPOK开源授权协议:GNU Lesser General Public License
* @日期 2016年09月01日
$.cart = {
add: function(id,qty){
if(qty <1){
var self = this;
var url = this._addurl(id,qty);
return false;
return true;
return false;
return false;
* 自定义产品加入购物车
* @参数 title 产品名称
* @参数 price 价格
* @参数 qty 数量
* @参数 thumb 缩略图
add2: function(title,price,qty,thumb){
if(qty <1){
var url = this._addurl2(title,price,qty,thumb);
return false;
var self = this;
return true;
return false;
return false;
* 自定义产品立即订购
* @参数 title 产品名称
* @参数 price 价格
* @参数 qty 数量
* @参数 thumb 缩略图
onebuy2: function(title,price,qty,thumb){
var url = this._addurl2(title,price,qty,thumb);
return false;
return true;
return false;
return false;
* 系统产品立即订购
* @参数 id 产品ID
* @参数 qty 数量
onebuy: function(id,qty){
var url = this._addurl(id,qty);
return false;
return true;
return false;
return false;
_addurl2: function(title,price,qty,thumb){
if(!title || title == 'undefined'){
return false;
if(!price || price == 'undefined'){
return false;
if(!qty || qty == 'undefined'){
qty = 1;
qty = parseInt(qty,10);
if(qty < 1){
qty = 1;
var url = api_url('cart','add','title='+$.str.encode(title)+"&price="+$.str.encode(price)+"&qty="+qty);
if(thumb && thumb != 'undefined'){
url += "&thumb="+$.str.encode(thumb);
return url;
var url = api_url('cart','add','id='+id);
if(qty && qty != 'undefined'){
url += "&qty="+qty;
var attr = '';
var showalert = false;
var val = $(this).val();
showalert = true;
attr += ",";
attr += val;
if(!attr || showalert){
return false;
url += "&ext="+attr;
var val = $(this).val();
var name = $(this).attr("data-id");
if(val && val != 'undefined' && name){
url += "&"+name+"_id="+$.str.encode(val);
return url;
var ids = $.checkbox.join();
return true;
var url = api_url('cart','price','id='+$.str.encode(ids));
return true;
return false;
update: function(id,showtip)
var qty = $("#qty_"+id).val();
if(!qty || parseInt(qty) < 1){
return false;
var url = api_url('cart','qty')+"&id="+id+"&qty="+qty;
if(showtip && showtip != 'undefined'){
var tip = $.dialog.tips(showtip);
if(showtip && showtip != 'undefined'){
if(!rs.info) rs.info = '更新失败';
return false;
if(func && func != 'undefined'){
return false;
var qty = $("#qty_"+id).val();
qty = 1;
if(!num || num == 'undefined'){
num = 1;
qty = parseInt(qty) + parseInt(num);
var qty = $("#qty_"+id).val();
qty = 1;
return false;
if(!num || num == 'undefined'){
num = 1;
qty = parseInt(qty) - parseInt(num);
del: function(id){
if(!id || id == 'undefined'){
var id = $.checkbox.join();
return false;
var tmplist = id.split(',');
var title = [];
for(var i in tmplist){
var t = $("#title_"+tmplist[i]).text();
var tip = p_lang('确定要删除产品
title = $("#title_"+id).text();
var tip = p_lang('确定要删除产品
var url = api_url('cart','delete','id='+$.str.encode(id));
return true;
data.info = p_lang('删除失败');
return false;
if(!id || id == 'undefined' || id == '0'){
var title = p_lang('添加新地址');
var url = get_url('cart','address');
var title = p_lang('编辑地址')+"_#"+id;
var url = get_url('cart','address','id='+id);
var iframe = this.iframe.contentWindow;
if (!iframe.document.body) {
return false;
return false;
* 前台页面脚本_管理全球国家及州/省信息
* @作者 phpok.com
* @版权 深圳市锟铻科技有限公司
* @主页 http://www.phpok.com
* @版本 5.x
* @许可 http://www.phpok.com/lgpl.html PHPOK开源授权协议:GNU Lesser General Public License
* @时间 2019年05月27日 19时51分
$.phpok_app_worlds = {
* 收藏夹相关JS动作
* @作者 qinggan
* @版权 深圳市锟铻科技有限公司
* @主页 http://www.phpok.com
* @版本 5.x
* @授权 http://www.phpok.com/lgpl.html 开源授权协议:GNU Lesser General Public License
* @时间 2018年06月04日
$.phpok_app_fav = {
var url = api_url('fav','act','id='+id);
if(data.info == 'add'){
}, 1000);
if(data.info == 'delete'){
}, 1000);
return true;
return false;
var url = api_url('fav','delete','id='+id);
return true;
return false;
* 前台页面脚本_用于过滤敏感的,粗爆的字词,一行一个,用户提交表单数据时直接报错
* @作者 锟铻科技
* @版权 深圳市锟铻科技有限公司
* @主页 http://www.phpok.com
* @版本 5.x
* @许可 http://www.phpok.com/lgpl.html PHPOK开源授权协议:GNU Lesser General Public License
* @时间 2019年09月04日 15时50分
$.phpok_app_dirtywords = {